Bezos Academy Montessori Credential Program: Skills Evaluation
This dashboard (in Qualtrics, locked access to BA staff) shows the skills self-assessment results of the Learner Skills Assessment mid-point review, where we ask adult learners to self-report their skills across the Lead Teacher Performance criteria for the organization. I built this skills assessment based on the LT performance criteria at the organization, and set up the cadence of self-assessment for a pre-test, a midpoint, and a post-test result to compare gains across a single learning cohort at three critical points. I also created the supervisor assessment, completed once by the learner’s supervisor at the end of program, to evaluate a second perspective on the learner’s skill development in the program. These assessments create clear quality indicators for the program, measuring how much a learner improves across each of the essential competencies over time, and identifying where we need to make program improvements to ensure that teachers are ready to lead their classrooms on graduation. By assessing each criteria across a 2x2 matrix: measures of confidence, measures of frequency of use, both self reported and supervisor reported, we get as clear a picture as possible of where our learners are succeeding in building and applying their learning.
Springboard Course Curriculum
For Springboard, I developed a comprehensive career development curriculum for each of the company’s technical bootcamps, programs designed to provide a complete education to career-changing professionals in 6 months. I designed the curriculum, the coaching program, and then built the content, recording original videos, as well as sourcing reading material and other reputable content for learners to engage with. I designed assignments and assessments for the curriculum as well, working with the subject matter expert for the technical domain as well as the instructional design team to ensure a quality and consistent learning experience across topics and programs. Then working with the engineering team and product manager to ensure the technical delivery of the learning in the custom-built Learning Management System. I also designed the coaching program that supplemented the online asynchronous learning and assignments, as well as the learner risk matrix and follow up processes to identify learners at risk of not making satisfactory progress, with follow up actions to support their program completion. More public videos of the content I developed for various programs are here: Job Development Program
I established and ran the Job Development program at, which included a comprehensive career development strategy for professionals looking to make a career change. See the draft (final is proprietary) strategy document I developed for here. Ultimately I grew the job fair program, featured here, a subset of the overall portfolio of programs, from one per month serving up to 200 attendees, to one per week serving up to 400 attendees at every fair. This served as an essential pipeline of candidates for the Career Development Course, which I also designed. Through data collection at these fairs, consisting of short surveys as well as data captured through our app including geography, years of experience, current role and desired role, I established a rich data source on the needs and existing skills of professionals in our target market, and used this to build programming addressing skill gaps between those and the needed skills in our employer partner program, which I also developed.
Hacking HR Forum
This 8 minute lightning presentation I prepared and delivered for the Hacking HR Forum in Seattle, a People Development/HR organization, highlights the key skills needed for the future of work, and how organizations can help develop them through innovative professional development programming for employees. To prepare this talk I conducted extensive literature review on applied skills for 21st century workforce development.
Radio 2UE Employment Expert
This interview on Australia’s Radio 2UE ponders the future of work as it relates to permanent versus freelancing employees. I did a series of these radio interviews for this program in 2016-2017 on a variety of topics related to the future of work and employee skills. Each utilized literature research as well as survey results and data from my career coaching business, where I advised global professionals on career management and change.